Friday, June 29, 2007

Have you seen this thing?

Ok friends...have you heard about this iphone? Apparently people camped out overnight in places to be one of the first in line to get their hands on this baby.

You know that I'm a girl that likes technology. I like new gadgets and trying to figure out how they work. My friend got a new phone the other day and I liked playing with it. But I don't think I would ever stand in line for a cell phone. I guess I see that there are way more important things in the world. I think the need in our culture to always have the next best, biggest, more better thing is draining to me. Here's a fact: I can't keep up with the Jones'. So I'm going to quit trying. I want to spend my money on something that matters not something else that will fill the landfills in five years.

Just thought I'd share my thoughts with you.

disclaimer: if you went out and bought one, i don't hate you. in fact, give me a call... i think i want to check it out.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Empty Houses and Whiney Cats

This week I'm house-sitting for a friend in Elkhart. She went to Phoenix where it's probably 110 degrees today. I love house-sitting for a number of reasons... let me share them with you.

- 25 year old women are not built to live at home. I love my parents--but it's just too much even when it's just for a season.
- I have figured out that I really need my alone time these days. To collect my thoughts, talk to Jesus, read a couple of books...these things are muy important to me.
- I actually like staying in a neighborhood where I can walk outside instead of by my parent's house where your only choices are taking a jaunt through the woods or on the highway.
- I think I like change in my life too... something different.
- I love having a garage! Call me crazy but pushing that button and having a door pop open for my car is so fun.

Next Monday I move back home for a bit before traveling to Colorado. Can't wait to see those Rockies.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Hope does not dissapoint. I feel like I'm in a sweet spot with Jesus lately. Of course one of complete surrender and obedience but one where He is comforting me and encouraging me as I wait on that perfect timing. I am content. I am joyful. Just thought I would tell the rest of you. :)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

I did my first 5K last weekend. It was a big step for me. I started going to the gym in January but this was my first "public" appearance of real physical exercise in a long time. Amy and I walked it and it was fun. Afterwards, we headed up to Chicago where our friend Cara was doing the Avon Breast Cancer Walk. Breast Cancer walks are a different culture. All 4,000 were walking for the same purpose and the shirts were hilarious. I'm including a picture of Cara getting a nice little massage after her first day of walking 16 miles and then she turned around and walked another 13 the next day. Can we say Champ?

Pray that I would continue to trust Jesus as I walk this walk.