Sunday, July 13, 2008


I'm not so good at good-byes. I have said a lot this summer. Some to people that I won't see this side of heaven and others for a while.

I spent 5 weeks with some pretty cool people in Florida going to cultural training. We had some really fun times and built some sweet community but we are all following God's call to take the gospel to the nations so the chances of me of running into my new sweet friends is highly unlikely.

That's the funny thing about community. We live life in a way that's real and vulnerable and with purpose and I think that is what makes good-byes so hard. I don't want those things to end. I remember being on a summer missions opportunity for 10 weeks one summer and having a hard time choosing to even show up to say goodbye to my best friends of the summer. I just thought it would be easier to just leave.

My friend Betsy wrote a song about how she hates goodbyes too. Here are some of my favorite words of it.

If I could have anything, I'd have control

cause I don't like change and I hate to let go

hate watching cars drive away

with not enough reason to stay

On the same path still but now I feel lost.

When I said hello I did not know the cost

but I know it now, I feel it now.

Tell me you'll see me tomorrow

that way I don't have to cry.

If we keep pretending it's not really ending

I hate the word "good-bye".

Yes, it's hard but I totally believe that it's worth it. I've said "adios" to some cool people in my life and I'm looking forward to much more "hellos".

I arrived back in Mexico yesterday. It's strange that Mexico is home. I missed it and my house and the food. It's good to be home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you're back home! Awesome having the chance to say hello to you in person this summer (despite the reasons), but also great to say good-bye after our phone conversation the other day, knowing that you are exactly where you're supposed to be and doing what you were born to do! Love you so much! Kim